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Fundraising Terms & Conditions

Prostate Cancer UK expects that each collector:

i.                   Recognises that they act on their own behalf and their volunteer activities are in support of Prostate Cancer UK;

ii.                  Only collects donations in accordance with Prostate Cancer UK’s instructions that may be provided to the collector from time to time, including as to locations and timing for collections;

iii.                Does not cause, or be likely to cause, danger, obstruction, inconvenience or annoyance to any person through their collection activities;

iv.                Does not to bring the name or reputation of Prostate Cancer UK into disrepute;

v.                  Will comply with Prostate Cancer UK’s policies for collections and handling of cash as may be notified to the collector in advance from time to time;

vi.                Understands that each tin remains the property of Prostate Cancer UK and must be returned to the charity once the collection has ceased.

In addition to the above, the following terms and conditions must be met:

vii.              All collectors must be aged 18 or over.

viii.             All collection tins and monies must be submitted to Prostate Cancer UK (registered charity number 1005541) within one month of an event or collection (see point xii for static collection timeframes).

ix.                Cash must not to be sent via the post. The collector must empty the monies from the collection tin before returning the tin to Prostate Cancer UK. Please contact Supporter Care (supportercare@prostatecanceruk,org or 0800 082 1616) for advice on how to pay in cash from the collection tin.

x.                  All donations collected must be submitted in full to Prostate Cancer UK.

xi.                No deductions may be made for expenses or fees from monies collected.

xii.              If the collection is static or ongoing, the tin must be emptied after three months and all donations submitted to Prostate Cancer UK; If you wish to continue your collection after three months, please contact Prostate Cancer UK who will supply you with additional security seals.

xiii.             A witness, over the age of 18, must be present at the counting of donations.

Please note that you must gain permission from the relevant party before holding a collection (e.g. venues for events, local authorities for street/public collections, and business owners for static collections).


By agreeing to the Fundraising terms and conditions, I certify that I am 18 years or over and agree to abide by the terms and conditions set out by Prostate Cancer UK above.